Monday, August 24, 2009

DQ Set Week 1

Okay, I am not sure if I am answering these questions how I am supposed to, but i re-read these passages over and over again to try to understand the questions as they follow. So don't laugh if something seems out of the ordinary with my answers!Question 1: I chose to answer this question with the passage "Araby." In this particular case, i wouldn't only call it romantic love, but also silent love. Silent love, to me, is when someone has so much adoration for another person but is too shy to approach them in any matter; too shy to make an impression. When the boy is approached by the girl, he offers her a gift from the bazaar just because she couldn't go. He kept her image in his head often. He cares for her and wants to make her happy. Which i think is very romantic.Question 3: "A&P" was the short story i chose for this question. I loved this passage and what it was about, tho I didn't really find this passage to be about romantic love. This protagonist stood up for what had been a misunderstanding toward somebody else. He stood up to his boss who was embarassing three young ladies for dressing in bathing suits into a grocery store, and mentioning to the protagonist that the girls made the store look bad. The guy quit because he thought the boss shouldnt have been so harsh on them. Someone who would quit their job because their boss was being intimidating to me, i think, is a very caring person; they love what they believe in. I chose to answer this question with this passage because not only did it challenge the definition/beliefs I have about romantic love, but I think it definitely caught my eye about how differently people look at love.

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